R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS for Nintendo NEW 3DS/3DS (LL,XL) Ver 11.17.0-50 /2DS / DSi XL(LL)/ DSi / DS Lite / DS to play NDS games not 3ds games.
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS supports Nintendo 3DS Ver. 11.17.0-50 and older versions.
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS is a new 3DS card for N3DS console, made by r4i-sdhc.com team. It is the advanced version of R4i card - r4i V1.4.1. The firmware and kernel have been released on http://www.r4i-sdhc.com, which can run NDS ROM fine. So that you can play NDS games on 3DS for free! However, R4i SDHC 3DS card does not support 3DS games now. This R4 card support micro SD/TF card up to 32GB, and support wifi ( upgrade automatically and smartly ).
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Kernel Download:
Official Website: http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/
NDS roms download here:

What can you do:
v Wi-Fi
v Play Nintendo 3DS / Dsi / DS / DS Lite
v Play music
v Read e-Book and view pictures
v Watch movies
What is included?
v 1 x R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS card
v 1 x USB Micro SD(TF) reader/writer
purchase suggestions:
v R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS allows you to use 3DS console to play NDS(L) games only,not 3DS games.
v If you have a R4i-SDHC with mark "V1.4", you can have it updated to version 3DS V2.0.0-2 and do not need to buy this 3DS card.
v Need to buy Micro SD(TF) card separately.
v CD is not included.
v Supports the Latest N3DS perfectly.
v Real-time skin/themes change function (support random skin/themes selection mode).
v Be able to memorize and restore to the previously selected game or application after restarting machine and soft reset.
v Be able to recognize and display SD card type, volume and type of formatting.
v Sleep mode function, for power saving and longer standby time.
v User friendly interface, easy to operate.
v Uses Micro SD card FAT 16 or 32.
v Supports any Micro SD card speed with no lag in game.
v Supports Clean ROM.drag and drop. Works on any OS.
v Built No Pass.
v Supports Moonshell and other homeberw.Open I/O interface.
v Supports the WIFI-game.DS Rumble Pak.DS Browser.
v Supports the Soft Reset.
v Integrated latest MoonShell 2.0 Beta version.
v DLDI auto-patch.
v Users just one click away from playable games download.
v WiFi search engine function available with NDS/NDSi/NDSiXL.Users are able to search and download the games and the latest game information according to their own preferences anytime, anywhere.
v You will be able to manage your NDS/NDSi/NDSiLL download by distance control through WiFi once you install our Wi-Fi Engine Assistant on your computer.
v Users only need to click on the games they want to download on NDS/NDSi/NDSiLL and the games can be downloaded automatically to the assigned computers.
v Can avoid the annoyance of waiting during the download process.
v Through our PC-based Wi-Fi Engine Assistant software, it is able to download our website's NDS games quickly and easily.
v Core upgrade automatically through WiFi of NDS/NDSi/NDSiLL to avoid tedious upgrading steps.
More about R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS
please visit : http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/